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  • Writer's pictureFoster Ryan Mcneil Lamswood


The Shawshank Redemption has so many memorable moments throughout the incredible experience of the film. Whether it be Andy getting the inmates some cold beer on a hot day, Red and Andy first really connecting, or even Andy begging for a chance to get out of prison, there is no shortage of moments you never forget from this film.

The one moment that defines the entire movie, one of the most iconic single frames in cinematic history is when Andy finally makes his escape from Shawshank prison and feels freedom for the first time in years. Andy has to crawl the length of four football fields through the sewer system under Shawshank prison and once finally out of the prison finds himself in a clean river in the pouring rain. Andy rips off his prison clothes that he has been wearing for years and finally has what he has been yearning for. Freedom.

This is incredibly similar to Christianity and the bible as the most famous story is how Jesus was crucified and laid to rest in a tomb covered by a giant boulder only to rise miraculously three days later. The celebration of easter surrounds this idea of Jesus somehow rising from the dead showing the power of God and his will and devotion to his followers. Andy in the film when first arriving at Shawshank took some time to find friends and get comfortable but once he made the right friends he was followed as if he was Jesus. People wanted to listen to him and respected everything that came out of his mouth. Naturally, just like Jesus, not every person adored him but Andy was able to do plenty of good while helping others within the prison.

The moment where Andy finally makes his escape, comes out of the tunnel and rips his prison clothing off cleansing his whole body in the river while getting rained may as well have came out of the bible. Jesus rose from the dead, escaped the tomb and was cleansed as a new man. Andy was spending his life in prison, essentially feeling dead on the inside but escaped the prison, then rose cleansed of his sins as a free man.

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